Sunday, September 18, 2011

Choosing Your Wedding Party

Choosing your wedding party can be difficult. You have your family, his family, childhood friends, college friends and more. Family is not a choice, if it's a sister they should be in your bridal party whether you get a long or not.Friends, however, can make or break your bridal party. Do choose those you stay in contact with regularly. Do NOT choose those that you're trying to save relationships with or those that need everything to be about themselves. I think it's funny that people are so concerned about the Bridezilla, but beware of the Bridesmaid from hell. I recently witnessed one of those. She was self-absorbed, rude to everyone, horrid to the bride, and to top it off couldn't wait to leave. The best part of dealing with her, was when she left! Right after the ceremony and didn't even stay for the reception. A wedding is supposed to be about love and everyone coming together to support the bride and groom. So choose those who will support you, understand when you need them to and who will be in your life for a long time.

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